This map shows the 2024 Wisconsin Assembly distrcts, as proposed by Govenor Evers. Each circle is a member of the 2023-2024 Wisconsin Assembly, using the address that they registered with when filing their campaign registrations. If you click on a circle, you'll see information about that member, and you'll see in light orange the district that they represented under the GOP-drawn maps that were struck down by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The district that they currently live in will also appear with a darker border and a darker fill so it's easier to compare their old district and new district. Note that in the new map, there may be multiple members in the same district, and some of the new districts may have no current members.
Click anywhere outside of the district to clear the current selection.
The 2024 map was assembled by John D. Johnson of the Marquette University Law School Lubar Center, and this site would not be possible without his work. The 2022 districts were assembled by the Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau and are available at from the LTSB GIS site
For a more in-depth analysis of the maps, see the WisPolitics Redistricting Overview which includes more of John D. Johnson's work.
This site was created by Erik Paulson and the source code is available from Github. Special thanks to @Citizen_MKE for his help and corrections, the remaining errors are mine.
Old wards only | Overlap | New wards only | 2022 Full | Evers Full | |
Evers/ Michaels |
Barnes/ Johnson |